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Review: Spyder’s Triumph – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Triumph - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica, Space Opera (Not Romance) LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Denial and Decadence. The Predicantor’s hatred for the Lady Cassandra intensifies with every setback his Righteous Order of Piety Purists suffer at the hands of her champions. The price on her head grows and his disregard for collateral damage increases. After a bloody Pietist attempt to overthrow the Abhinav Delhi civic government, the Lady’s slaves employ sabotage, industrial espionage, computer hacking, and other questionable techniques to stop the takeover of the planet Aargine. Lady Cassandra and Spyder … Read more

Review: Spyder’s Torment – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Torment - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica, Space Opera (Not Romance) LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Resistance and Reverence Mourning the loss of their fallen, the Lady Cassandra and her slaves resume their armed resistance to the Predicantor’s system-wide crusade against freedom, sex, and all forms of pleasure. The battle against the Righteous Order of Piety Purists spills out of the spaceport, engulfs the streets of Abhinav Lanka, and destroys a women’s medical clinic. More and more of the local residents rise up to join forces against the Pietists. In the midst of … Read more

Review: Spyder’s Trial – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Trial - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica, Space Opera (Not Romance) LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo | Universal Buy Link About The Book Spyder expertly guides the combat-crippled spaceship Truth to a “safe” crash landing at the bottom of an Aargine ocean. A salvage ship owned by a powerful criminal snags Truth and Spyder’s owner, the Lady Cassandra, negotiates safe transport for the ship’s passengers—her slaves, her prisoners, and her revolutionary recruits—as well as the tools vital for her work as a Dominatrix.  When Sypder finds himself swept up in a Piety Purist political plot to overthrow … Read more

Review: Spyder’s Trouble – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder’s Trouble - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Fealty and Falsehoods As shadows of a repressive piety movement spread across the system’s free worlds, the Lady Cassandra and her slaves must flee their home. Exiled to the desert, the Dominatrix contacts her only hope for salvation—Spyder, captain of the spaceship Trouble. Spyder ignores threats from the powerful criminal whose cargo fills Trouble’s hold, as well as the anger of his influential and overdue passenger. Risking his life, his spaceship, and his crew he rescues his owner, the … Read more

New Release: Spyder’s Truth – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Truth - Korin I. Dushayl

QSFer Korin I Dushayl has a new queer space opera erotica book out (bi, gay, lesbian, polly, trans MTF), The Lady & the Spyder book 2: Spyder’s Truth. One by one the Righteous Order of Piety Purists seizes the governments of settled planets and colonies. The Dominatrix Lady Cassandra, exiled from her home, struggles to shelter her slaves and clients from the Pietist quest to confine citizens to a sexless, joyless existence. Liberation of a devoted collaborator spirals into a violent confrontation. To protect her allies, Cassandra and her slaves capture Piety Purist militants disguised as missionaries. But, the Pietist … Read more

Review: Spyder’s Truth – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Truth - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Erotica, BDSM, , Sci-Fi (NOT Romance) LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Poly, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Conflict and Confederation One by one the Righteous Order of Piety Purists seizes the governments of settled planets and colonies. The Dominatrix Lady Cassandra, exiled from her home, struggles to shelter her slaves and clients from the Pietist quest to confine citizens to a sexless, joyless existence. Liberation of a devoted collaborator spirals into a violent confrontation. To protect her allies, Cassandra and her slaves capture Piety Purist militants disguised as missionaries. But, the Pietist prisoners’ … Read more