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ANNOUNCEMENT: I Shall Not Be Jilled, by David Holly

I Shall Not Be Jilled

QSFer David Holly has a new queer sci fi book out:

What will you do if you are a teenager or a young man, and the governing board demands that you submit to a procedure that permanently eliminates your manly parts and turns you into a new gender?

What will you do when government, society and even your loved ones are swept up in a fanatical mass movement that demands your emasculation?

Will you become an androgyne so you can play on an athletic team? Or will you resist, even though your doomed resistance is viewed as rebellion or treason?

Working in a small country in the Pacific Northwest, five young scientists discover a formula that drastically changes the human body. Weirdly enough, the formula works only on males. Females are immune to this “jilling process,” but males are desexed into shapely, gorgeous beings.

Soon a compulsive need to “jill” younger males sweeps through the population, leaving most young men with a terrible choice. Will they choose “jilling,” or will they resist the outrageous demands of a society gone insane, declaring “I shall not be jilled?”

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Author Bio

David Holly lives on the side of a snow-capped mountain in Oregon under tall trees with a tempestuous river rushing by. He has held various positions in life ranging from hotel manager to college professor. At one time he owned a nursery where he propagated house plants, and at another time he owned a book shop. His personal tastes run to literature, mystery, science fiction, strong coffee with chicory, and large quantities of red wine. As with this novel, most of his fiction is set upon his native soil.

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