Launching a New Queer Sci Fi Writers’ Group
We just had a new section of the blog installed. We’re working on getting it ready over the next week or so – it will be a place where member authors can post their LGBT sci fi, fantasy, and supernatural work for critiquing. I’ve wanted to have a writers’ group for a long time where I could post parts of my stories that I’m working on or having trouble with. This part of the blog is password-protected and will be open to members only, so there’s no risk of getting dinged for having “published” your work on the blog. If … Read more
Itching for A Little Fantasy
Hey all, I’ve been getting back into writing this year after a long hiatus. I’m a fantasy-sci fi writer at heart, but as a gay man, I also enjoy writing gay characters. In the last few months, I’ve tried my hand at a little MM romance. Most of these stories still have a bit of a sci fi, fantasy, or supernatural twist. Although I did write one that was just romance. Funny thing – mu hubby, Mark, who doesn’t really care for sci fi or fantasy, felt like that story was missing something – the twist he’s come to expect … Read more
Sex in Space – An LGBT Writer’s Perspective
Note: this post crossposted with permission – original post appeared at Rainbow Romance Writers. Anyone who tells you that sex in space would be cool is not a true science fiction fan, or at least doesn’t have a good grasp of actual science. Issues with sex in zero or low gravity environments are, perhaps, not insurmountable, but they are considerable. Low gravity interferes with certain blood flow functions – erections are just less reliable. Sweat tends to layer on the body making it slippery. Every action leads to an opposite and highly exaggerated reaction. So – you’re trying to get … Read more
Finally Sold My First Story!!!
Hey all, I got some great news this week – I sold my first story! it’s called The Bear at the Bar, and it’s an MM romance with a bit of a supernatural spin. It was picked up for a forthcoming Dreamspinner Press anthology called A Taste of Honey – all stories about Bears and the men who love them – it’s coming out in September. :) And I also “sold” a photo this week. I’m not even particularly a photographer, but Poplorish, a magazine for Pacific NW writers, asked for submissions, so I sent in a story, and they … Read more
Finding the Time
I’ve always wanted to be a published writer, but with a full-time other job (actually more like time and a half), it’s been easy these last few years to find excuses not to write. Because writing isn’t easy. It’s often hard, mind-breaking work, coming up with the story, working out the plot, and the day-to-day grind of actually putting it to paper. So why do it? I find there’s something deep within me that I access when I write – a creative wellspring that may be hard to reach, but that’s so rewarding when it’s finally tapped, when the story … Read more
When it Just Isn’t Right…
i’m working on a new story, this one for the end-of-year-holiday anthology for Dreamspinner. I have a great concept, but as I’m writing it, something just isn’t right. What do y’all do when a story just isn’t flowing the way you thought it would? What are your tips and tricks for getting things back on track?
Sent In My Next Story
It’s been a big week for my nascent writing career. I’ve been making contact with some great gay writers on FB, making plans to put together an online writing group and queer writers’ community, and just submitted my next story, Translation, to Dreamspinner for consideration for an anthology they are doing. It’s always a bit nerve-wracking to wrap up and submit a story – is it ready? Is it in the right format? Did I miss any errors? Will they like it? But it’s done. And two and a half months before the deadline! Now I can move on to … Read more
Science Fiction’s Queer Problem
Found this great post on Sci fi has a problem with gay and lesbian characters. This is especially true of TV science fiction, but print is almost as guilty, and most games with a sci fi flavour are exercises in testosterone-fueled head-stomping (which, while good fun, does not generally make for nuanced or diverse characters). I can probably name on the fingers of maybe both my hands the number of gay or lesbian characters I’ve come across in the genre as a whole, across all media. For a category of fiction predicated on imagining worlds stranger than and off … Read more
Gay Romance, Hold the Twist
I’ve just about completed my next short story – “Translation”. It’s the first story I’ve written in a long time that has no paranormal or sci fi twist – just a fairly straightforward gay romance. Well, there is a twist, but not my usual Faery or alien sort of thing – instead it’s more of a plot twist – or two. It was a bit strange writing something like this without my usual seasoning of sci fi. I haven’t yet decided if I liked it, though I’m fairly happy with the story itself. “Translation” is for submission to a forthcoming … Read more