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For Writers: You Shoulda Told Me


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Lex Chase: “Things no one told me when I became an author.” Um, let’s see. Writing is a lonely job. It’s hard to change prices on Amazon. You only get so many rounds with your cover designer before they blacklist you… I could go on? Share your own “shouldas”. Join the chat

Jeff Baker—Boogieman In Lavender

                                         Wilde Stories 2016                                                 By Jeff Baker               Science fiction, magical realism, fantasy and plain old horror. All are on display in the 2016 edition of Wilde Stories, editor Steve Berman’s annual “best of the year” collection devoted to gay speculative fiction.             “Imaginary Boys” by Paul Magrs is one of several stories in Wilde Stories with a young adult protagonist. In this case David, raised by a single working mother, dealing with homophobia and with a visitor from Somewhere Else thrown into the mix. The story is both touching and funny with laughs coming from the least-likely … Read more

For Writers: The Writing Wall

Brick wall 0011

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Lex Chase: Lets share our tips for when you hit the writing wall. How do you relieve stress? Conquer the self-doubt? Or when the words just aren’t coming do you change your technique (like going analog?) or get out of your setting? Like leaving your house, going to a cafe, taking a long bubble bath, or such. Join the chat

For Writers: Writing A Series

James Eric series

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: Knowing that audiences say they want series, but being aware of the financial diminishing returns—how long a series is too long, the different types of series, and do you write them in one go, or do you pepper with standalones, etc. Join the chat

Rabid Reader Recommendations–R3 Wednesdays!

WELCOME to Rabid Reader Recommendations, or R3 WEDNESDAYS! We host this discussion the first Wednesday of every month; it’s a great opportunity to recommend and discuss works you have enjoyed in the queer science fiction genre. These recommendations may end up on a file you can access on our website–stay tuned for details. For the second R3, the theme is: Holiday Reads! (Any holiday–Boxing day, Christmas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Earth Day, Hijra, Solstice, etc–but it has to be queer speculative fiction.) HOW IT WORKS: This is a reader discussion. Don’t recommend your own works–get someone to do it … Read more