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SCIENCE: We May Now Know Why Gay Men Tend To Have Older Brothers

brothers - pixabay

Scientists believe they may now know why gay men tend to have more older brothers. A new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Anthony Bogaert—the culmination of more than 20 years of research—shows that antibodies to one particular protein may be responsible. Bogaert, a human sexuality researcher at Brock University in Canada, first began looking at what is now known as the “older brother effect” in 1996. Basically, what Bogaert and his collaborators found is that having older brothers increases the chances a man will be gay. In 2006, they published a study showing that … Read more

Me Me Monday

Me Me Monday Holiday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. This is our holiday edition – we’re especially looking for speculative fiction holiday books and holiday sales, but all the usual spec fic postings are also welcome. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

Sources of Inspiration: What I’ve Lost, What I Have

It’s curious talking to all the readers who loved holiday tales and the writers who craft them. This time, I’m one of the writers. Seven Tricks definitely counts a holiday tale. Curiouser and curiouser. This isn’t a time of year when I focus primarily on writing. Don’t get me wrong. I do my best to stay in practice. I write something every day, working on polishing my craft. My focus is on other things, though. Christmas shopping. Decorating the tree. Writing an annual letter (this is one of the major projects of the season). Above all, spending time with my … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

The Third (Semi) Annual Me Me Awards


Today the winners of the Rainbow Awards were announced. I want to give a hearty congratulations to everyone who won – this is your day. You buckled down and worked hard, and it’s a wonderful thing that you won the award. Oh, I know, it’s an honor to be nominated, right? And yeah, it actually kind of is, because it means someone else thought highly enough of you and your work to put me up next to all of those other great authors. But for everyone who didn’t win the award today, we’re bringing back the Me Me Awards again … Read more

Me Me Monday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

Me Me Black Friday

Me Me Black Friday

Welcome to the third edition of ME ME MONDAY BLACK FRIDAY! We know many of you have books on sale today, so this is your chance to tell the rest of us about them! For this edition, it does NOT need to be a new book or story – it just needs to be on sale. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post, so I can also share it over to our FB page (as opposed to this discussion group). –If … Read more

Me Me Monday!

me-me-monday-v3 M3

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!