September ties as the hottest month on record globally
CNN meteorologist Allison Chinchar reports on newly released data showing that September tied 2016 for the hottest global average temperature in September. Full Story
Fall Begins – With Record Snowfall, a Heat Wave, and a Cat 5 Hurricane
The first few days of the season haven’t felt much like fall at all for many across the United States. From snow storms to heat waves — hello? Did we miss something? What happened to mild temperatures and colorful leaves? Here’s a look at three wild weather events that marked the start of season. Full Story
Pacific Islands Seek Help And Unity To Fight Climate Change
In recent weeks, children marched, nations made promises and teenage Swedish activist Greta Thunberg scolded world leaders for “failing us.” But while one of the groups most vulnerable to climate change, the Pacific Islands, may have received fewer headlines, it was among those making the strongest calls for action. Pacific Island government officials in New York for the United Nations session and environmental conferences earlier this week and last week appeared more unified than at previous events in their push for greater international help, participants say. Full Story
Want To Find A Place To Live That Will Be Safe From Climate Change? Good Luck
The year is 2050 or 2060, and as climate change progresses, extreme weather is getting worse. If you live in the U.S., you might be tempted to move to another city or state—but where should you go? By midcentury, the number of massive wildfires in California could increase by 50%. The sea level along parts of the Florida coast might rise as much as 34 inches; throughout the coastal U.S., sea-level rise could put hundreds of thousands of homes at risk from chronic flooding. Colorado could face severe droughts and lose millions from the ski industry. Michigan will face more extreme heat, droughts, and flooding. South Carolina, like many states, is likely to face a steep increase in the number of dangerously hot days each year, along with the risk of more intense hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires. Full Story
Greta Thunberg is right: It’s time to haul ass on climate change
When Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the elites assembled at the World Economic Forum in Davos, she concluded with a simple message: “I want you to act as if our house is on fire.” For those elites, it was unfamiliar language. They are accustomed to talking about climate change, but typically such talk amounts to ritual invocations of “urgency” coupled with promises about what might be achieved in 2030 or 2050. Full Story