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Discussion: What Are Ghosts?

Gay GhostToday’s topic comes from QSFer MD Grimm:

What are ghosts? Are they echoes that repeat, residual hauntings? Or are they, essentially, lost souls trapped for emotional reasons?

We talk a lot about vampires, shifters, and even zombies, but ghosts don’t get nearly as much play.

And yet they are, except for their form, arguably more human than any of those other paranormal creatures, lending themselves well to character storylines.

So what are ghosts? How can we use them in our stories? And what are some of the LGBt stories that have done them well?

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1 thought on “Discussion: What Are Ghosts?”

  1. Seeing as how I have no belief in ghosts, shifters, zombies or a supreme all knowing God I find those areas of literature to be fantasy rather than Science Fiction. And yes that includes the Bible, the Koran and the holy books of India and China as well as the religious writings of L. Ron Hubbard and the Mormon religious books plus the “sacred books” of any other religion which claims to have “THE TRUTH”. Having just insulted 80% or so of the human race I am a hard science fiction enthusiast and wish more of it was written featuring gay protagonists. Just my personal preferences though.

    I like science due to the fact that it is a continued search for FACTS and is subject to change and continuous updating as new theories are developed and tested with actual experiments. I know of no true evidence for any of the above noted phenomena or beliefs having any basis for existence or belief. To me asking for people to have “FAITH” is asking them to shut down their brains.


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