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FOR READERS: He was Young, Skinny, Dark Hair, Wearing a Pensive Look

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Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Scott:

Readers, how important are character descriptions to you, especially at the start of a story? What do you like? What bugs you?

Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks!

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2 thoughts on “FOR READERS: He was Young, Skinny, Dark Hair, Wearing a Pensive Look”

  1. I love character descriptions…it helps me imagine them as they move through the plot…but if you’re going to give us them, be sure the models on the cover match…even to the length of their hair and the color of their eyes.

  2. Not really into them that much. I’m like: wearing a pensive look – is that a full length pensive look or is it an off the shoulder number? I can take them or leave them as long as they don’t intrude into the story (as they can if they also include constant descriptions of what the the different characters are wearing). I’m more interested in what the character is like inside. I can picture how they look for myself – a few pointers are useful as in “young, dark haired, skinny”. If it is a good story and well written, I will get over myself and enjoy the journey (darn, I mean enjoy the read. I’m sick of going on a journey as well unless it is an actual journey. Okay Tony just chill!)


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