Our national nightmare is finally over. Trump is going down.
Being a fantasy enthusiast and Dungeons & Dragons role-playing geek, I can’t help but see the defeat of Donald Trump in terms of the genre I love.
The One Ring has been destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom, and Sauron’s mighty eye has fallen from the top of its tower. The White Witch has been dethroned and killed by Aslan. Voldemort has had all his horcruxes destroyed and is therefore defenseless when his own destructive spell is turned back at him.
If you’re offended that I see Donald Trump and his Republican enablers as evil villains, or you think this is exactly the sort of left-intolerant rhetoric that got Trump elected in the first place – I don’t know what to tell you. For five years, I’ve watched Trump and his Republican sycophants spew nothing be fear, cruelty, xenophobia, racism, and lies, doing everything they can to degrade both our democracy and our discourse.
Honestly, if that isn’t evil, I don’t know what is.
But here’s the thing. I’ve learned something from all these fantasy stories I love: evil can’t be destroyed.