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Justin Trudeau, Superhero


Justin Trudeau can save us any day. The Canadian Prime Minister will be gracing the cover of Marvel’s upcoming Civil War II: Choosing Sides, issue #5, coming on August 31st. Oddly enough, he looks even better in ink form than in real life. A Marvel spokesperson told Mashable that Trudeau would also be a minor character in the issue — though he probably won’t be blowing up any buildings. Canadians don’t do that.

Here’s the plot:

“Alpha Flight, once Canada’s premiere Super Hero team, now working globally for Captain Marvel, seek the advice of their old boss—Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5. Cover features Trudeau at center surrounded by the members of Alpha Flight: Sasquatch (orange guy), Puck (short guy) and Aurora (elvin lady). Iron Man is in the background,” said the spokesperson.

By Joe Jervis – Full Story at Joe.My.God

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