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Migration First Place Winner

Migration First Place

And finally, the one you’ve all been waiting for. The first place winner for the 2019 QSF Flash Fiction contest is:


Mettle, by Die booth

This is the first time Die has entered the contest, which has often picked newcomers. This was also the year for Horror, as two of our top three stories were in this genre, as well as two of our judges’ picks.

A teaser:

 “Does it hurt?”

Craig shakes his head. “Can’t feel it. Not after my top surgery.” Joe still winces as the second needle goes through. “A bit of pain makes us stronger, anyway, right?”

Craig sleeps on his back. Joe watches the rise and fall of his chest, the steel bars through his nipples glinting.

The judges’ comments:

For the first time, a Horror story has won first place in our flash fiction contest, and it’s well deserved. Mettle offers a great build-up with an unexpected twist—something great flash fiction often does. It’s also a lovely metaphor for what many of us in the LGBTQ+ go through to claim our true identity, written with beautiful, compelling language. Congrats!

Grab the book now!

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