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Migration Second Place Winner

Migration Second Place

The second place winner for the 2019 QSF Flash Fiction contest is:


The Speck, by Bey Deckard

This marks the second time someone has placed in the contest twice, but with a twist. Bey was the winner for our first book for the cover – the only time we had a contest for cover design. His design graces the front of “Discovery.”

A teaser:

“I think it moved,” said Wayne, leaning over his lunch to get a better look at Matt’s eye.

The black speck had mysteriously appeared that morning. “Really?” Matt could see just fine, and it didn’t hurt, but the fact that it had moved unsettled him.

Frowning, Wayne nodded.

The judges’ comments:

The difference this year between first and second place was about as close as we’ve ever seen it. The Speck is a tight, compact story—a nice quiet horror tale with a queer intimacy that many other entries lacked. It offers a clear beginning, middle and end—hard to do in flash fiction—and a great use of terror that doesn’t rely on blood and guts, terrifying in a thrilling way. Bey Deckard won once before, as the cover artist for the first book, Discovery. Congrats!

Grab the book now!

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