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Rabid Reader Recommendations – R3 Wednesdays!

r3wednesdaysWELCOME to Rabid Reader Recommendations, or R3 WEDNESDAYS! Scott, Angel, and I wanted to make a day devoted to QSF recommendations! This is a great opportunity to recommend and discuss works you have enjoyed in the queer science fiction genre. We’ll host this discussion the first Wednesday of every month, unless it explodes. Then we can always host more days!

For the first R3, the theme is: Furry Fiction! (Anthropomorphic creatures–think Redwall, but queerer.)

–This is a reader discussion. Don’t recommend your own works–get someone else to do it for you!
–The works have to be related to the theme (though I’m flexible).
–Please include a Goodreads link or something comparable. Not everyone’s search engines are as great as yours. You can create a thread for each recommendation if you’d like.

If you have any questions or constructive criticism, please consult Ben Brock, your QSF reviewer!

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