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Sources of Inspiration: April Madness

We’re in the middle of April right now. Spring is in full bloom. The white blossoms have fallen from the trees, to be replaced by tiny pink flowers on other branches. Camellias are giving way to wisteria. Not that I have too much time to notice these things, although I try to snatch a moment or two to observe them. The flowers help refresh my spirits, before I return to the madness. For this is a month of crazy, non stop writing projects for me.

Yes, a writer should always be involved in projects to stay in form. This month is a particular whirlwind for me. I’m halfway through ‘Blogging from A-Z’. I’m right in the midst of Camp NaNoWriMo. This isn’t even mentioning all of the deadlines.

Inspiration is very dear in the middle of all the perspiration. Taking walks, eating right, and getting enough sleep are important steps for keeping myself going, allowing my inspiration to recharge. Although I never know when I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, to find a muse has been chewing on my toes. Or perhaps I should say my fingers? I’ll find myself compelled to get up and write whatever I’m urged to, before it slips away. For this is a time of intense creative and productive output. I’m sharing energy with a bunch of other writers in a Camp NaNoWriMo cabin, letting them inspire me and push me towards finishing my goal, as we each strive to create a story.

Only this Camp NaNoWriMo is different. I’m not drafting a new story, but revising a huge novel, the first of a series which is my life’s work. I’ve struggled with ‘The Hand and the Eye of the Tower’ for years under different names. Always I’ve put it aside to work on other projects, even new novels in the same series. Not this time. I’ve complained over and over that I need a National Novel Revisions’s Month. I’ve decided to make this particular Camp my NaNoRevMo. :)

What about your, dear reader? Have you made any major decisions or changes this month which have inspired you?

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