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CALL: JMS Books Wants Paranormal Romances About Opposites Who Attract

Queer romance publisher JMS Books wants romance novels and novelettes that include horoscopes and/or astrology as part of the plot, but whether it’s a light or pervasive element is up to the writer. Any astrological tradition is welcome, as is any romance subgenre, including historical, contemporary, and paranormal. Read the full post on Dale Cameron Lowry’s blog for writers.

Making Astrology Queer – Gay Star News

Colin Bedell

Colin Bedell, a self-described gay Gemini Twin from Long Island, New York, is on a mission to make astrology more inclusive of queer identities. ‘The soul has no gender,’ Bedell recently told Refinery29. ‘We have to move beyond body and sexual identification if we’re going to be integrous with this spiritual system.’ Bedell began studying astrology at age 12. ‘I’ve always had a pull to the metaphysical, mythological, and mystical. And astrology stands at that intersection beautifully,’ he tells GSN. By age 18, Bedell began chart analysis. And at age 27, he opened his own professional astrology practice, QueerCosmos. Bedell … Read more