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REVIEW: Absolution, by Lissa Kasey


Title: Absolution Series: Dominion Series Author: Lissa Kasey Genre: Paranormal/Vampire LGBTQ+ Category: MMM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 334 Reviewer: Sherry, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Sam discovers becoming undead has awakened a new power inside of him. When the power of the world of vampires and witches collide, Sam wields a firestorm of energy to save the men he loves. As a new vampire Sam suddenly finds himself the focus of a lot of unexpected attention. Living among witches, Sam has always been the underdog fighting the wrong war, alone, abandoned, and unwanted. Only when Luca … Read more

Announcement: Reclamation, by Lissa Kasey


QSFer Lissa Kasey has a new Fantasy book out: Seiran Rou did the unthinkable to save his own life—he killed someone with magic. Now he’s haunted by the deed, and his internal troubles are ripping apart his newly strengthened relationship with Gabe. And the Dominion still wants him to toe the line and produce an heir. After receiving threatening e-mails, phone calls, and vandalism that all seem to stem from another dead man from Sei’s tormented youth, Matthew Pierson, Sei thinks he’s going crazy and realizes he needs help. He turns to a Dominion-recommended psychiatrist. But the past has already … Read more