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ANNOUNCEMENT: Quarterling, by Natasja Hellenthal


QSFer Natasja Hellenthal has a new lesbian YA fantasy book out: Quarterling. Seventeen-year-old Fay Comyenti has it all: lots of freedom, great parents, a budding romance, and super animal abilities most can only dream of. Only, those powers have to be kept a secret in order for her kind to stay safe. After being rejected by her love interest, Elodyn, Fay leaves her village to do some good with her skills in the world despite the concerns of her comyenti mother and human father. Zemandu, the last of the tracar people has been following Fay from a distance for a … Read more

Announcement: Sky Whisperers, by Natasja Hellenthal

Sky Whisperers

QSFer Natasja Hellenthal has a new FF Fantasy book out: Two decades ago a great deafening silence entered the world. Since then, the winds have mysteriously vanished. And with the disappearing of the wind, the magic held by the once mighty, immortal Sky Whisperers was shattered. Their influence over the natural world lost. The world of Lorian is dying. All Nemsa has ever known is a world without wind. Strangely, the winds stayed away around the day of her birth, twenty five years ago, setting off a chain of disastrous events including a fatal sickness. And for that the girl … Read more