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New Release: Sapphire: Home and Abroad – M.D. Grimm

Sapphire: Home & Abroad - M.D. Grimm

M.D. Grimm has a new MM fantasy book out, Stones of Power book 8: Sapphire: Home and Abroad. The Dark Mage, Lord Morgorth, and Aishe of the Ravena Tribe, are to become bondmates. Morgorth is equal parts nervous and excited. He wants to unite with Aishe in the sacred dialen ceremony, to proclaim their devotion to the world, to show everyone that Aishe is his equal and deserving of respect. After all they’ve survived together, why shouldn’t they make the cosmic promise before friends and family? But duty must often come before pleasure. When Morgorth’s estranged mentor, Master Ulezander, comes … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Geoffrey the Very Strange – Angel Martinez

Geoffry the Very Strange - Angel Martinez

QSFer Angel Martinez has a new MM fantasy romance out in the Magic Emporium shared series: Geoffrey the Very Strange. An outcast necromancer and a half-demon clerk need to save the world from seashell zombies. No pressure. Everyone’s always told Aspic that trouble can’t help following him because of his heritage. Determined to put the lie to half-demon stereotypes, he’s finally landed a good, quiet job as an herbalist’s clerk where the owner trusts him to man the shop alone. What could go wrong selling coriander and thyme? When Geoffrey first enters the shop, Aspic finds the little man’s eccentric … Read more