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What I Read When I Was Young

Dancers of ArunFOR READERS

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer John Allenson:

“Reading queerfic you read when you were young. Does it still hold up?”

Hmmm… for me, there was so little out there at the time, at least that I was aware of or could find. I read “The Dancers of Arun” by Elizabeth A. Lynn, which was the first thing I ever read that contained a (in retrospect) tame sex scene, but geez…

And then there was Larque on the Wing, which helped spark my interest in magical realism.

But I haven’t read them since – I probably should! So what queer books did you read when you were younger, and how would they hold up today?

Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks!

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1 thought on “What I Read When I Was Young”

  1. Mercedes Lackey… :)

    She was the first person who wrote about an actual gay character(s) for me.. I still re-read and I still bawl my eyes out.

    I remember also that Anne McCaffrey referenced same sex couples in the Dragons of Pern series. I was so happy at that reference when I was a tween, because at that age, I was looking everywhere for someone like me or something that indicated I wasn’t alone..


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