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ANNOUNCEMENT: Escape, by R. Phoenix

QSFer R. Phoenix has a new omegaverse book out in the “Omega’s ASlpha” series: Escape.

Omar expected his time in Salvus to be difficult, but he had no idea what was waiting for him there. His crash course in just what it means to be an alpha in the beta-run city has taught him that there’s no mercy for him… and his goal of rescuing his mate seems impossible — because now he’s the one who needs to escape.

But fleeing Salvus isn’t the only goal. Omar and Van’s tumultuous relationship has always kept them at odds, and even being mates hasn’t helped them to set aside their differences. Even if they escape, they might not be able to overcome the distance between them… 

Mpreg, ABO (alpha/beta/omega), omegaverse. Sequel to/conclusion of Salvus.

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Author Bio

R. Phoenix (code name: Raissa) has an unhealthy fascination with contrasts: light and dark, humor and pain, heroes and villains, order and chaos. She believes love can corrupt, power can redeem and that the best of intentions can cast shadows while the worst can create light. She agrees with those who say that the truth is best told through fiction — even though fiction has to make sense while reality can be utterly baffling. 

Her dark paranormal books explore a world where humanity has become prey, subjugated by “supes” — vampires, werewolves, and witches — who have seized control. They range from romance to dark erotica to horror and everything in between, exploring different aspects of the Fate of the Fallen universe. She’s even published something she calls “playful dark erotica.” 

Her tendency to explore dark topics isn’t limited to a supernatural world. Her contemporary romance, Too Close, deals with the difficult topic of domestic violence. She is passionate about the need for greater awareness and understanding of an issue that’s often misunderstood. 

She loves chatting with readers, though she often awkwardly rambles. No matter how much she tries to keep her bad and often perverted sense of humor in check, it seems to escape at the most inconvenient moments. (Thanks, universe.) Feel free to friend Raissa on Facebook and chat or send her an email!

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