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Non-Binary Info

These resources were compiled by Freddy McKay, Angel Martinez, and members of QSF in discussions about N-B issues.

Writing Non-Binary Characters (QSF FB Chats):  (own voices author, blog post, discussing being done with pushback for they/them pronouns) (own voices author, question about creating new pronouns in a fantasy setting) (own voices author, blog post, discussing issues with singular they/them and some reviews) (previous QSF topic post regarding nonbinary pronouns in SF – many of the comments are not great, some are pretty bad)

Resources: (blog with personal articles, education and resources for nonbinary people)

Ask a Non-Binary (tumblr resource where anyone can ask respectful questions and nonbinary people can have their questions answered)

Nonbinary Character (tumblr resource about writing nonbinary characters)

Tranarchism (blog about trans/nonbinary issues with a strong social justice emphasis)

All About Trans (“Positively changing how the media understands and portrays transgender people” – resources and articles)

Pronouns (article from the LGBTQ Life at Williams section of Williams College, includes discussion of gender neutral pronouns, why it’s important not to make assumptions, and pronunciation)

Five Things You Should Know About Your Agender Acquaintance (the discussion of pronouns, respect, and not invalidating people apply widely)

How To Write Nonbinary Characters: Part 1, The Basics (a three part, here are the basics guide to writing a well-represented nonbinary character)

How To Write Nonbinary Characters: Part 2, The Nitty-Gritty

How To Write Nonbinary Characters: Part 3, Common Pitfalls and Easy Fixes

Writing Nonbinary Characters (nonbinary characters from a perspective of lived experience)

Six Tips for Writing Genderqueer and Nonbinary Characters (short and succinct but hits many salient points)

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Writing a Transgender or Nonbinary Character (with a lot of good definitions, this article is transgender focused with a lot of good information)

Suggested Reading (nonfiction and fiction with nonbinary characters):

The Enby Book List, compiled by Jeanne G’Fellers

A Quick and Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns (nonfiction/Comixology)

How to Be Respectful of Trans People in Just 7(ish) Semi-Easy Steps (pdf zine)

Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller (own voices fantasy with a nonbinary MC, they/them pronouns)

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver (own voices contemporary YA, nonbinary MC, they/them pronouns)

Jilted by Lilah Suzanne (own voices contemp. Romance, genderqueer MC, they/them pronouns, assigned at birth gender never revealed)


Parents of Nonbinary Kids – for parents and allies of nonbinary young people

The Nonbinary Agenda – a group for nonbinary people

Sounds like you need to be educated on transgender individuals but ok – educational and support resources for nonbinary/transgender people, family, friends, and allies

Nonbinary Wiki – wiki of different online nonbinary communities – please understand most of these are places for nonbinary people to congregate with other nonbinary people. They are not meant to be a place for people to go and start asking questions of nonbinary folks. There are subreddits where you can find discussions on different nonbinary identities listed here.

Resources/Groups for Non-binary and trans* individuals in need of help: 

Brave Space Alliance (website and support group based on the South Side of Chicago. It is the first Black-led, trans-led LGBQT center in the area, designed to create and provide affirming and culturally competent services for the entire LGBTQ community of Chicago) 

The Tribe – LGBTQ+ GROUP (Considered a good place for mental health help – Most of the resources from The Tribe can be accessed either on a desktop or a mobile device)

Gender Spectrum (online community/support groups – best for teens and their parents, also has a Spanish-language support group for Latinx youth)

Trans Lifeline (In addition to information resources, Trans Lifeline offers microgrants to individuals who need financial support when updating their name and gender)

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