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Announcing the Theme For Our 2016 Flash Fiction Contest

In about two and a half months, on April 1st, we’ll be launching the Third Annual QSF Flash Fiction Contest. It doesn’t matter if you have been published before or not – if you love to write, we invite you to submit a 300 word speculative fiction story – sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror – when the contest opens up on April 1st. As a bonus, we’ll be selecting the best of the submitted stories to be included in the book from Mischief Corner Books!

Now it’s time to announce our theme for 2016. For 2014, it was “Endings”; for 2015, it was “Discovery”. In 2016, the theme is…



Take that however you will – people who fly, space flight, in flight from something. It’s up to you. We’ll be accepting stories form across the LGBTIQ spectrum, and would love to see more entries including lesbian, trans, bi, and intersex protagonists, as well as gay men. The stories can also fall anywhere across the spectrum romance-wise – romane is fine, but stories can also be genre driven with no romance at all. But they must include at least one clearly LGBTIQ character.

So break out your writing pencil or laptop or whatever you use, and get ready to write. More details coming on April 1st.

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