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Ending Queerbaiting in TV and Film

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Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth:

We’re a year or two into “will there or won’t there be a FinnPoemance?,” while the producers hint at nebulous future queer characters in the Star Wars Universe.

Several Spiderman actors have suggested a queer Spidey, and Ryan Renolds says he’s down with following canon for Deadpool, and yet…?

Wonder Woman hints at a lesbian/bi Amazonian homeland, and we see some nice glimpses, sure, but nothing solid enough for the homophobes to hate.

They do it because it keeps us coming back and spending our money, with the hope that we’ll finally see ourselves reflected in these shows.

Even when we do get queer characters, they are overwhelmingly gay, cis and white.

Hey, don’t get me wrong – I love gay cis white guys. I am one, after all. But there’s a whole wider universe of queerdom out there for writers and actors and producers to explore.

So when I hear that a TV show or film has added John Smith, cookie cutter gay man, it seems like less than a brave choice.

When will this change? How will a more diverse cast of queer characters finally make their way into mainstream film and TV? Is it changing already? And what can we do to help it along?

Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks!

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