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NEW RELEASE: The Lute of Liana – Rosen Pavus

The Lute Of Liana - Rosen Pavus

QSFer Rosen Pavus has a new queer fantasy romance out (ace): The Lute of Liana.

Join an unusual and kind-hearted party of adventurers as they journey through the vast LGBTQ-friendly lands of Findor in search of a legendary treasure: The Lute of Liana.
Throughout their travels they will meet friends old and new and discover the true meaning and worth of friendship, love, and family.

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Fyre in the Forge was having a bad day. Not a bad day like when you forget something you need during a trip to the market, or lose one of your favorite boots. Not even a very bad day like when you fall off a boat into icy cold water while traveling and catch a serious cold. This was a seriously, terribly bad day.

He’d been separated from his traveling party during an unexpected attack by a group of bandits. From the people he considered his first real friends after nearly six months of traveling together.

Then he’d tripped over a large tree root in the pine forest not far from the dirt road they’d been traveling on. It was also very dark, and he hadn’t been carrying any torches. He had food, several healing potions, and his double-bladed silver ax, but not much else. Tripping over 
the large root in the dark had sent him tumbling down a small hill and landed him front side first into a mud puddle which was not inconsequential in both size and depth.

And now came the terribly bad part of his day. Covered in cold, muddy water, which had managed to seep beneath both his armor and clothing, as well as soak his short red beard, he had begun to shiver. That was when he found the cave in a gray-stone hillside not far from the mud puddle. 

Thinking none too clearly after his ordeal, he’d thought it abandoned as it was dark inside, stumbling inside gratefully. Several torches had instantly flared to life then, and he’d been set upon by orcs, his big blue eyes going round with his shock in response.

Author Bio

Rosen Pavus is an experienced writer of fanfiction for over ten years and a life-long lover of books! Their bedroom looks more like a library than a place to sleep! The Lute of Liana is their first published book!

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