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Newsgayper Profiles LGBT Writers

Newsgaypaper logoJust ran across a great site yesterday via Facebook: is an online publication that comes out twice a month on a Sunday to provide LGBT readers with Arts & Entertainment related news, trends, businesses, people and information they may not find through regular channels.

Our goal is to be a one stop shop for ALL things LGBT both here in our nation and abroad. We’ll strive to feature new, unusual and interesting stories about LGBT people, events and businesses that will touch our lives through Entertainment and the Arts.

Our world is ever-changing and the LGBT community has worked hard to become less restricted, more accepted and stronger as a whole, so it’s time to color our world with song, passion, laughter and character.

Come join us on our journey and help us pave a colorful path to understanding and acceptance. After all…we’re here, we’re queer, and the World should be used to that by now…

Check them out at

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