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Announcement: Junk Mage, by Elliot Cooper

junk mageQSFer Elliot Cooper has a new sci fi/fantasy book out:

When technomancer Quillian Defote crash-lands on remote planet Marutuk, he has limited time to repair his ship and get off world. If he fails, he’ll forfeit his position as professor of mechanical transmutation at the prestigious Ivy Arcanarium and ruin his employment prospects in yet another sector.

Hunter, a cyborg guarding a junkyard that holds what Quill needs, is charmed by the wayward mage and wants to help him. But Hunter is bound by honor to dutifully guard his mistress and her possessions, no matter how cruelly she treats him.

Together Quill and Hunter stand a chance of starting a new life together if carnivorous wildlife, a violent necromancer, and stubborn pride don’t keep them apart.


Deep in the forest, dodging high underbrush and thick, viny tree trunks, I sped along at a steady hum. My headlights glinted off more than one pair of huge, blue eyes, both on the ground and near rough bark. I wondered what animals they ate besides the invasive human species, since I hadn’t seen any other native lifeforms.

Something plopped onto my bike and touched the back of my leather riding jacket. I made a panicked squawk as all the nerves in my body screamed “Red Alert.” Before I could reach my hand back to swat the thing away, it scurried up my back and clung to my head with thick, dull claws digging into my cheeks.

I screamed. It screamed. The forest chittered in a rising, deafening chorus as we flew out of the trees, skidded over rocks, and careened onto the beach. I hit the brakes and rolled off the jetbike, hands plucking at the narl to get its claws out of my skin.

Wrested free, the narl scrambled around in the moonlit sand. It called out in tiny bleats, stopping to rub sand off its face with its strange hands.

I didn’t waste time. I ran to my bike, pressed the button on it to open the cargo hatch on Lemon, and rode inside. I breathed a sigh of relief as I listened to the door creak closed behind me, hand held to my pounding heart, eyes closed. I wouldn’t have my bones sucked out today!

Buy Links

Ninestar Press: Click Here

Amazon: Click Here

Author Bio

Elliot Cooper is a creativity addict who enjoys writing stories that embody adventure, a hint of the taboo, and shadows that are deeper than they appear at first glance. He also enjoys video games and knitting, and lives in the southern US with his human and feline family.


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