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Announcement: Poseidon, by Cree Storm

Poseidon, by Cree StormQSFer Cree Storm has the fifth book out in her Twelve Labors historical fantasy MM series out:

Hunter has never liked pompous, overbearing men, and that was Poseidon. When Hunter is told he is Poseidon’s mate he refuses to have anything to do with the God of Atlantis. Fearful of Hera and Aries’ wrath, Hunter is taken to Atlantis, where Poseidon must convince Hunter he is not the man Hunter thinks he is before it’s too late.

When Hunter has a run in with mermen determined to go to war against the people from the land below, he decides that an intervention is needed and decides to gather the other mates together to try and stop a war. Not knowing there is a traitor amongst them all, during the meeting, Hera and Aries attack Atlantis and the mates. Can Poseidon save his mate before it is too late or will Hera and Aries take the one man that was meant to be his?


Hunter could not believe that he was standing there, looking at the sexiest man he had ever seen in his life. He stood at least a foot taller than his own six foot four, and his eyes were as green as the most plush mountain meadows.

Maybe others would be turned off by the greenish tint that ran throughout the man’s long, blond, wavy hair, but as hard as his cock was getting, that was not the case for Hunter. However, the balbo beard he wore…the way the wide chin beard was so neatly trimmed and the perfectly shaped moustache …damn he wondered if it would be bristly or soft.

Hunter continued to appreciate the muscular pecs and wide biceps and worked his way down the treasure path to notice the man’s extremely hard, as well as extremely large, cock. How would that rod feel, sawing in and out of his ass?
Hunter groaned as he turned around and readjusted himself. He was sure he would have zipper marks from it digging into his rock hard shaft.

However, Hunter’s shaft softened quickly when he heard this man dismiss him as if he was a nothing. What a pompous ass! Then, to find out that he had been drooling over Poseidon… one of the big Gods himself, well, it just went to say how much his taste in men sucked.

Hunter just knew that he was tired. To have armies on his land, thinking that he was such a nothing, and now this God more or less saying he was disposable after all he had done for these people and their fight, well it pissed Hunter off.

“You know, Gus, I have about had my fill of all this shit,” Hunter said with a barely controlled anger.

Pegasus started walking toward him. “Look, Hunter, I understand…”
Hunter snorted sarcastically. “You understand nothing.”

Hunter turned around to try to get some semblance of control, but then thought, fuck it. “I can understand Apollo and Murray not telling me the truth. I mean, we barely met.”

Pegasus tried again. “Hunter…”

“No! Shut up and hear me out!” Hunter growled.

Poseidon moved forward. “Now, you just wait one minute!”

Hunter whipped his head in Poseidon’s direction as he snarled, “No! I have been lied to and deceived by so many of you that I have earned a right to say my piece!”

Hunter turned away and took a couple of breaths, and when he had his control back, he began to speak slowly and calmly. “Alex never told me the truth about being a shifter.” Looking at Pegasus, he said, “And you never told me about shifters, even when you saw how much pain I was in when he died.”
Pegasus hung his head. “I wanted to, but I couldn’t.”

“Bullshit!” Hunter hissed. “You didn’t tell me about it, because you made that choice. You say you are my friend and then you keep your secrets, until you need me. You need me to provide an area to have your battle with your Gods, and then this pompous ass comes in and says my life is disposable, like I am a diaper.”

Poseidon could see the anger, but he could also see the sadness in his mate’s eyes, and it was killing him. “I did not say you were disposable.”
Hunter sighed. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore. None of it does.”
Pegasus looked closely at his friend and began to worry. “What doesn’t matter anymore?”

Hunter shook his head as he looked to the sky as if that could give him something he sorely needed… comfort. “When I met Apollo and Murray, I was in Red River. I had gone there because it was a place that Alex and I enjoyed so much. I walked the trails and went to places that he and I frequented, just thinking.”

Looking to the side, Hunter continued, “I decided to sell the ranch.”

Pegasus gasped. “What?”

Looking at Pegasus, Hunter shook his head. “I am just not happy anymore, Gus. I haven’t been since Alex died. I tried to get past it and decided that I needed a fresh start. So I sold the horses. Most were picked up this afternoon, and the rest will be picked up in a couple of days. I don’t know what I will do with the land…well I didn’t, but now I do.”

“What?” Pegasus said quietly.

“Well, destroy it of course,” Hunter said with a shrug.

“Destroy it?” Poseidon said in surprise.

Hunter looked at Poseidon. “Well, yeah. You need to flood it out.”
Poseidon’s eyes went huge. “You expect me to flood the entire ranch area in the middle of a desert?”

Hunter looked Poseidon dead in the eyes. “There are too many men out there Poseidon. Too many people wanting everyone dead, and we can’t allow this fire to make it to my neighbors’ homes, risking their loved ones, animals, and livelihood. Many people in this area have only what is in their homes.”

Sneering at Poseidon, Hunter said in a cold, quiet tone, “You may find people here beneath you, but I don’t. So flood it, kill your armies, and get the hell out of here.”

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Author Bio

Cree lives in Southern New Mexico. The only thing she loves more than reading about gorgeous men and love is writing about them. Spending time with her friends and family is very important to her. When she is not writing or spending time with the love of her life you can find her watching the Oregon Mountains with a nice hot cup of coffee and her laptop or on face book with her many friends.

She gets up in the morning and the first thing she does is make erself a BIG pot of coffee. Then she gets out her laptop out go thru her facebook posts, and after that is when she start writing. She tries to write at least a litte bit everyday – between 2000-4000 words on the days she can focus and write and the days she is not as focused, she is usually doing research for her books.

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