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FOR WRITERS: Holy Frack! Cursing in Spec Fic

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Let’s talk about swearing in space. Or in the magical world of Elflorien. Or amongst the shifter wolves of the Red Tail Pack… How do you come up with convincing curse words in your particular world? Or do you fall back on the old tried and trues? Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: To Outline or Not to Outline

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Sheena J. Himes: Does anyone else hate outlining? I tend not to outline at all, but as a series progresses it becomes a necessity to some degree or another. Trouble for me is that after I outline in the traditional method, it feels like I’ve already written the book, and any desire to actually WRITE it evaporates and I get horribly bored. (Why I remain 75% pantser and 25% plotter. I keep sticky notes with required plot points and threads and that is the extent of my outlining.) Even if I love … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Twitter Share Day

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FOR WRITERS Hey all… This month we’re doing a series of sharing days. Today, it’s Twitter – writers, go to our FB group below and share your name, a sentence about what you write, and a link (yes, a LINK, not just your handle) to your Twitter feed so folks can follow you there. Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Share Your Facebook Page or Group


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Every now and then, we ask authors to share the address of their Facebook page or group, so our readers (and other authors) can follow them. Please post 1-2 sentences about you and what you write, and then include the link. :) Have fun discovering new authors! Join the chat

“Impact” Contest Launches Today

Impact - Pixabay

FOR WRITERS The fifth flash fiction contest launches today, and runs for the whole month of March. The theme is “Impact.” Take that however you will – an asteroid impacting the earth; the environmental impact of climate change; two paranormal entities crashing into one another in combat; the impact an action by an individual can have as it ripples through society. Heck, even an impacted wisdom tooth can work, as long as you sell it. It’s up to you. Full details here: So, in the spirit of the theme, I’d like our authors to talk about other authors who … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Climate Changes Fiction

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Victoria Stagg Elliott: In what ways–subtle and not so subtle–will climate change impact the world and society and how could these possibilities be used in a fab sci-fi novel. Something more interesting than a story about a worldwide deep freeze or heat wave. For example: in Chicago climate change means the local toboggan run closed a few years ago because it just wasn’t cold enough for enough days to open it up for several seasons in a row, so the county gave up and closed it down permanently. Last winter was very … Read more

FOR WRITERS: My Fixit List

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Most authors I know who have been at it for any length of time have a “fixit list” – things they know they do that their editors hate, that they try to fix just before submission (or train themselves not to do in the first place. What are some of yours? Apologies to Erik for stealing his series/character title, but it seemed appropriate. :P Join the chat