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REVIEW: Out of Time Series, by C.B. Lewis

Out of Time Series

Title: Out of Time Series Author: C.B. Lewis Genre: Time Travel, Sci Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Publisher: PUBLISHER Pages: Varies Reviewer: Olivia Time Waits (1) | Time Lost (2) | Time Taken (3) Also Available: Time Turns (4) About The Books Time Waits (1) Badly wounded and on the run from his WWII Hungarian brigade, Janos Nagy stumbles through a temporal gateway to the future. Suddenly stranded in Manchester, England, 2041, Janos wants answers about a crazy world he doesn’t recognize. Dieter Schmidt, flamboyant historian/linguist for the Temporal Research Institution has those answers, but the TRI is a neutral entity, set up to verify historical events … Read more


Sword Dance, by A.J. Demas

Title: Sword Dance Series: Sword Dance Trilogy Book One Author: A.J. Demas Genre: Historical, Alt History LGBTQ+ Category: MM, Non-Binary Publisher: Sexton’s Cottage Pages: 265 Reviewer: Dan Get It On Amazon About The Book Five years ago, Damiskos’s brilliant military career was cut short, leaving him with a permanent disability and scars that are not all physical. Adrift and still grieving, he tries to find meaning in an unsatisfying job. Work takes him to the remote seaside villa of an old friend, where, among an odd assortment of guests, he meets the eunuch sword-dancer Varazda. Enigmatic and beautiful but distinctly … Read more

REVIEW: Adam, by TN Tarrant

Adam - TN Tarrant

Title: Adam Series: Whispers From a Hidden World Book Two Author: TN Tarrant Genre: sci fi romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: MLR Press Pages: 267 Reviewer: Melissa Brus, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Adam Darcy might be a star, but he’s not immune to a cheating lover. He kicks his lover out and buries himself in work for months until his best friend drags him out to go dancing.  Dylan and Simon Rosetai are finally rejoining the scene after a sexual assault on Simon nearly ends both their lives. What affects one lifemate affects the … Read more

REVIEW: Healing Glass, by Jackie Keswick

Healing Glass - Jackie Keswick

Title: Healing Glass Author: Jackie Keswick Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Bi/Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 282 Reviewer: Maryann Kafka Get It On Amazon About The Book A dying city.An ancient, forgotten accord.And two gifted men caught in a web of greed and dark magic. Despite belonging to different guilds, glass master Minel and warrior captain Falcon are friends. Their duties keep them apart, but when Minel falls ill and chooses death rather than the only known cure, nothing can keep Falcon from his side. As their friendship grows into more, old wrongs and one man’s machinations threaten the floating city and … Read more

REVIEW: The Spark Form Chronicles, by Matt Doyle

The Spark Form Chronicles

Title: The Spark Form Chronicles Author: Matt Doyle Genre: Science Fiction LGBTQ+ Category: Queer Publisher: MDM Projects Pages: 592 Reviewer: Madison Davis, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book An over the top performer guarding his companion’s right to life. A genius programmer striving to retrieve her boss’s property. An ex-mercenary sick of the abuse that she and her girlfriend receive. A teenage girl desperately seeking to understand her past. An old man intent on living on his own terms. Five professional card players. Five reasons to fight. One thing in common: Their lives will be touched … Read more

REVIEW: When Heroes Fall, by Andrew Q. Gordon

When Heroes Fall - Andrew Q. Gordon

Title: When Heroes Fall Series: Champion of the Gods Book Five  Author: Andrew Q. Gordon Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Dreamspinner Press/DSP Publications Pages: 438 Reviewer: Kel Johnson, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book It took the Seven to create the world, each to rule Their own, until Neldin sought to rule it all. The Six defeated Neldin three millennia ago, but time has no meaning to a god. Before the dust settled from the first conflict, both sides set in motion plans for the next one. As Champion of the Six, Farrell, with Kel’s … Read more

REVIEW: The Man Inside Me, by Sean Kerr

The Man Inside Me

Title: The Man Inside Me Author: Sean Kerr Genre: Gothic Romance, Victorian Erotica  LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: SGK Publications  Pages: 202 Reviewer: Melissa Brus, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Victorian London is a difficult place to be when you are gay, as Henry and Gabriel know all too well. When they were young at Oxford University, Henry and Gabriel’s love burned hot and bright, and they thought to change the world together until a devastating tragedy ripped them apart. Now, as youth fades away, Henry can no longer stand to see his own reflection in … Read more

REVIEW: Best Game Ever, by R R Angell

Best Game Ever - RR Angell

Title: Best Game Ever Author: R R Angell Genre: Cyberpunk/Sci Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Gender Fluid, Non-Binary, Trans FTM Publisher: Sisu Publications, LLC Pages: 460 Reviewer: Melissa, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book It is springtime at Bolin College and death is in the air.The Virtual Campus Challenge demo is one week away. To make matters worse, Robby hasn’t had a boyfriend since freshman year and his gender-fluid friend is making that all too clear. When Robby and his team uncover a link between suicides and virtual reality games, Virtuella, SaikoVR’s AI game engine, fights back. … Read more

REVIEW: Wisdom’s Allegiance, by M.D. Grimm

Wisdom's Allegiance

Title: Wisdom’s Allegiance Series: The Shifter Chronicles Book Thirteen Author: M.D. Grimm Genre: Paranormal Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Pages: 200 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Can a loyal and sensual owl shifter couple woo a human mate who’s convinced he’s an ugly duckling? When socially awkward Dexter Fortis rescues an elf owl blown off course by a storm, he has no idea the bird is a shifter named Orion. Or that his life is about to change. Orion falls in love with the kind custodian, but he must convince his … Read more

REVIEW: Muses, by Elizabeth Andre


Title: Muses Series: Paranormal Grievance Committee Chronicles Book Two Author: Elizabeth Andre Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Publisher: Tulabella Ruby Press Pages: 158 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A lesbian ghost with a broken heart. Sisters who never want her reunited with her lost love. A binding spell that must be broken. After a Halloween party ends with an untimely death, paranormal investigators Maya and Julie are called in to check out ghostly happenings at a house built by a patent medicine magnate at the turn of the 20th century. The magnate’s … Read more