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Rainbow Space Magic

Are you a reader or writer of LGBTQ+ science fiction & fantasy? The 1st #RainbowSpaceMagic virtual con will be held on June 20th & 21st.

Angel and I have been working with Olivia Helling and her team to make this happen.

Rainbow Space Magic is an online LGBTQ+ science fiction and fantasy convention designed to help fill the terrible empty place of canceled in-person conventions during the current crisis as well as offering an SFF convention to those readers and writers in the queer community who struggle to travel or attend physical conventions. Free to participants and convention-goers, RSM seeks to bring like-minded people together, providing LGBTQ+ readings and panels from a safe social distance.

RSM is also looking for people interested in participating in panels or doing author readings. You can apply to be on a panel or do a reading on the website.

Or you can submit an idea for a panel.

Come out June 20th & 21st for all the fun!

For discussion: what do *you* want to see in a virtual con? :)

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