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He Likes It!!!

My husband Mark just finished reading my new story The Bear in the Bar and he loved it. Doing a happy dance – Mark reads a lot of gay fiction, so if he likes it, it’s good! While it ‘s not, strictly speaking, sci fi, there is a supernatural Freaky Friday element to it. I’ll get it off to B.g. Thomas for consideration for his Bear anthology for Dreamspinner.

In other news, I got my 15th story rejection – this one for Seedling, the first part of the Aurora cycle of novellas – the precursor to my novel rewrite. Don’t they say you’ll get 100 rejections before you get published? I hope to beat that number. On the plus side, I can now submit Seedling somewhere else.

Finally, I had a bit of a breakthrough on Oberon. I’m probably on the final third of this gay sci fi slash romance, and things are falling into place. I think it’s probably one of the best things I’ve written yet.

It’s gratifying to know I can still write, after such a long dry spell.

Stay tuned!

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