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NEW RELEASE: Endosymbiont – Elizabeth Noble

Endosymbiont - Elizabeth Noble

QSFer Elizabeth Noble has a new gay paranormal/sci-fi thriller out, Vampire Guard book 3: Endosymbiont.

A werewolf and seven vampires are all that stand between the world and complete annihilation.

When Kai Richter and Ori Bier met, sparks flew.

Then a train blew up.

Tracking an organism deadly to not only humans, but vampires and werewolves alike, brings Kai and Ori into The Vampire Guard. Decades later, they, along with Operative Team Jack Rabbit, come face to face with the horrors that same virus produces. Dead bodies are coming back to life, and rational people are becoming violent and brutal killers.

A massacre is taking place nearly a mile under the Atlantic Ocean. Two teams of The Vampire Guard are in the thick of it, fighting to survive.

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“I can see more arms and heads and bodies with my eyes than through this camera.” Kincade pulled the camera closer to his chest, straightened and squared his shoulders, giving off a definite air of defense. “Why is that?”0

Moving at lightning speed, Declan reached around Kincade and snatched the camera. “I believe Miss O’Leary distinctly said that camera and everything on it is classified.”

“Hey!” Kincade snapped and started after Declan.

Ori slid between them, stopping Kincade with his hands on his shoulders. “We’ll get you out, but it’s by our rules.” He took a quick look around. “You two are out-numbered. Don’t be stupid.”

“You know that what we saw on those surveillance camera feeds wasn’t corruption of the data,” Madison said softly.

They all turned to him.

No one had a chance to respond. Declan barely had time to process the fact he heard approaching footsteps before a man shouted in a deep guttural voice and drawn-out words, “Get the hell out.” And ran at them from the lab’s entryway.

Declan tossed the camera to Sophia and spun to face the lab entrance. The man moving at them had fingers elongated into claws and his face was partially covered in hair. The tan trousers and button-down shirt he wore were in tatters.

He was half werewolf/half man in appearance.

“Damn,” Declan swore under his breath, but didn’t have time to do anything else.

A deep, familiar snarl resonated from behind Declan. Lucas had pulled off the hood to his hazmat suit and changed enough to match the newcomer’s appearance.

Ori pushed Kincade out of the way and spun around, putting himself between Kincade and the charging werewolf. Lucas bolted in from the side, knocking the other werewolf away. The werewolf skidded across the floor before falling over some of the hands and feet still there. Scrambling up, he whirled around and ran.

“Why run? There’s nowhere to go,” Jonas grumbled and took off after him.

Declan sprinted at top speed but went the opposite direction of the werewolf and Jonas. Lucas, and Ori ran behind Declan. Werewolves were fast, but not as fast as a vampire, so there wasn’t a chance of this stranger outrunning them or Lucas keeping up with Declan. Fortunately, each level of the facility was a circle.

Travelling at top speed now, Declan ran around the level, toward the werewolf and Jonas. Just as they came into sight, Jonas caught up and launched himself at the errant werewolf, stopping him with a tackle and a hearty grunt from each man.

Vampires were faster and had more maneuverability, but werewolves were stronger. The partially morphed man shoved Jonas away and was up and running again. Declan was moving too fast for any werewolf to see him closing in, however. Jonas was on his feet in a flash and gaining on the werewolf. As their target approached, Declan held out his arm and braced for impact.

The fleeing werewolf ran straight into Declan’s outstretched arm. The force of his momentum caused him to flip completely over Declan’s arm and land flat on his back on the floor, gasping for the breath that was undoubtedly knocked from his lungs. When the man tried to sit up, Jonas shoved his foot against his chest and forced him back down.

“Stay down. You’re outnumbered and out gunned,” Jonas said. “One werewolf and seven vampires, you’re not going to win.”

The man gasped and nodded, returning to a completely human form. Jonas removed his foot and leaned down, grabbed the man’s arms, and hauled him up. Declan rubbed the pain in his arm away before he and Jonas put the man between them, each holding one of his arms and walked him back to the lab. Once there, Declan pulled a chair out and sat the man in it.

“Let’s start with your name,” Declan ordered.

“His name is Wolfgang Kruger,” Madison said. The man nodded. Madison turned to Kincade. “I told you it wasn’t the data stream and the videos and there is no hallucinogen in the air.”

“How’d you overpower him?” Kai asked.

Jonas grinned. “Declan did the clothesline move.” He shook his head. “Good thing scientists can’t fight.”

“I’m a scientist. I can fight,” Lucas objected.

There was no reason to hide the fact Lucas and Kruger were werewolves from Kincade and Madison now.

Jonas waggled his fingers at Lucas. “Uh huh. C’mon, without the werewolf.” Lucas grumbled something and Jonas snorted. “Being the big, bad werewolf doesn’t count but whatever gets you through the day, little brother.” Jonas turned to Kruger. “However, I’m damn sure he can out match you, so keep the werewolf inside.” Leaning closer he added in Kruger’s ear, “And he’s got seven vampires for back up.” That last part was whispered so low the two human men wouldn’t hear him.

Author Bio

Mystery, action, chills, and thrills spiced with romance and desire. ELIZABETH NOBLE lives by the adage “I can’t not write.” She doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t make up stories and eventually she learned how to put words on a page. Those words turned into books and fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M fiction. A part of every day is spent living in worlds she created that are filled with intrigue and espionage. She has a real love for a good mystery complete with murder and twisty plots as well as all things sci-fi, futuristic, and supernatural.
When she’s not chronicling the adventures of her many characters, Elizabeth is a veterinary nurse living in her native Cleveland, Ohio. She has three grown children and now happily shares her little, brick house with two spunky Cardigan Welsh Corgis and their feline sidekicks. Elizabeth is a fan of baseball, basketball (go Cavs and Guardians) and gardening. She can often be found working in her ‘outside office’ listening to classic rock and plotter her next novel waiting for it to be dark enough to gaze at the stars.

Elizabeth has received a number of amateur writing awards. Since being published, several of her novels have received Honorable Mentions in the Rainbow Awards. Jewel Cave was a runner-up in the Gay Mystery/Thriller category in the 2015 Rainbow Awards. Ringed Love was a winner in the Gay Fantasy Romance category of the 2016 Rainbow Awards.

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