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NEW RELEASE: Lion’s Hero – Alexis Woods

Lion's Hero - Alexis Woods

QSFer Alexis Woods has a new MM paranormal romance book out, Chosen Angels book 1: Lion’s Hero.

Eight nights to fall in love.

Ari’s mission: meet the man chosen for him by God. The catch: he only has eight nights to both fall in love and have his chosen fall in love with him—the eight nights of Chanukah.

Gabriel’s test of faith: in reaching out to a young man, he finds himself confronted with the unbelievable. Believe, and the Festival of Lights may herald a miracle leading to a lifetime of love.

Author Bio


An avid reader and colorful dreamer, it was only a matter of time before taking pen to paper, literally. Notebooks are filling. She sings under her breath, off tune, taps her toes and swings her hips, much to the delight of her family, coworkers and friends. A firm believer in every song tells a story and every story has a song, each story she writes has a song or theme, oftentimes both, behind it. She freely admits that becoming a romance author is the best mid-life crisis a girl could ever have. So there.

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