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New Release: The Archivist – Xavi Frey

The Archivist - Xavi Frey

QSFer Xavi Frey has a new MM Dystopian Sci-Fi book out: The Archivist.

Malcolm Barclay Bain is an Archivist with the Department of Possible Futures. He spends his day conducting research, managing the Department’s physical collections…and retrieving dangerous objects carelessly misplaced along the waves of time.

When he is instructed to retrieve an item that his handlers refer to simply as the tech, he travels back in time to Kansas City, 1927. He hunts through the vibrant city to find his treasure–but he’s not the only one, and soon Mal finds himself clashing with–and drawn toward–a handsome adversary. 

The Archivist is the first novella in the Department of Possible Futures series, a collection of queer cyberpunk stories following Malcolm and Archie with an eventual HEA.

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“Does that help you?” Archie asked finally. “To think of it like it’s simple?”

The question was scalpel-sharp, a precise flaying of the raw muscle of Malcolm’s rationality. It stung and opened him, but nothing in Archie’s voice was unkind. He was really asking. Like he wanted the answer. Like Malcolm was another problem for him to solve.

And, Yes, Malcolm thought, yes. Solve me.

Author Bio

Xavi Frey is a sci-fi author.

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