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Announcement: Objects in the Rearview Mirror, by F.E. Feeley Jr.

QSFer F.E. Feeley Jr. has a new paranormal/horror MM book out: Their new home on Frederick Street in Clay Center, Kansas, was supposed to give writer Jonathan David and his husband, clinical psychologist Dr. Eddie Dorman, an opportunity to enjoy married life. Jonathan has just released his first major bestseller, and he hopes to finally escape his traumatic past and find the quiet existence he has always craved. Eddie has taken a job at the Kansas State University psychology department, and they intend to begin anew. They have barely settled in when the nightmare begins. Noises, disembodied voices, and mysterious … Read more

Elves, Elves, Elves

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Beth Brock: “I think we should talk about elves, because that’s Jim Comer’s favorite topic in the ENTIRE world. I feel as if we’d be doing him a huge disservice if we didn’t really explore elves and discuss their twinky bodies, pointy ears, and snotty attitudes. It’d also be great if Jim would post those pics of him cosplaying Legolas.” I love elves – urban elves, tropical elves, underwater elves, and the works – but most especially, Shannaran and LOTR elves. If I could, I would totally take a month’s vacation in Lothlorien. So let’s … Read more

Sci Fi Tropes

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Angel Martine: “From a reader perspective – what bugs you most in your favorite genre?” Let’s tackle this in the sci fi genre. We all hacve things that, when we read them, just drive us up the wall. For sci fi, one of mine is when writers blithely talk about characters going from galaxy to galaxy. As if one galaxy wasn’t big enough? As if the trip between intergalactic gulfs was like a walk across the street? So what are your pet peeves with sci fi stories? The tropes authors often use, or outright mistakes … Read more

Announcement: Hawks and Rams, by L. Blankenship

L. Blankenship has a new MM fantasy out from Dreamspinner: Heathric Felahóf never wanted to be a thief, but his cousin’s scheme is the only option to keep the town’s children from being taken as slaves to cover the year’s taxes. So a few men slip over the border into the neighboring kingdom, steal a flock of sheep, and escape before the magically gifted Rangers learn of them. The second time, they’re not so lucky, and trouble follows the bandits home. Adal Sperling has given up on finding a lover who truly wants him. One of the Rangers charged with … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post, so I can also share it over to our FB page (as opposed to this discussion group). –If you want, send me your book announcement info at … Read more

Scan and Print a 3d Image of Your Junk

This story made me laugh – we have an amazing new technology that will allow us to interact with our world in a new way, and what do we do with it? The future is here, and it’s hung: At long last, the technology you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. Scanify’s handheld 3D scanner bills itself as “the world’s first point-and-shoot 3D scanner.” It allows users to take three dimensional photographs of anything — yes, anything – their hearts desire because, well, why not? The device, which has only been made available to a small handful of people, is … Read more

Announcement: Amber Moon, by Hurri Cosmo

Hurri Cosmo has a new fantasy out from Amber Quill: Logan has a past he doesn’t want to talk about, and after tonight, he intends to leave everything behind, including his all-consuming and unrequited love for Ryder. Uncertain of his future, he stumbles upon a bar oddly named Logan’s Intoxicating Fantasy. Unable to curb his curiosity, he enters the establishment. Soon, he drinks the Amber Moon cocktail a wise old bartender named Solomon puts in front of him and finally walks into a new future. Maybe even to find a new love. But is that what Solomon had in mind … Read more

Where Are the FF Speculative Fiction Stories?

Today’s topic comes from QSFer Anastasia Vitsky: “I’d like a day specifically focused on F/F in the genre.” It’s a good point. I know there are such stories and novels out there – our own Angelia Sparrow has published quite a few – but the field is dominated by MM fiction. So here are my questions today: Why aren’t there more FF stories in speculative fiction? What can we do to change that? And what stories would you like to see told in this subgenre?

Have We Domesticated All the Werewolves?

Today’s paranormal topic comes from QSFer Beth Brock: “Frederick and Jamie are always talking about bringing the scary back to werewolves. “Not a shifter story. There will be no cuddles, no chewing on the furniture, getting housebroken, or weird mpreg. Werewolves: claws, teeth, growls, howls, BLOOD. What’s with all these good bad guy stories anyway? “Or the bad good guys for that matter? Misunderstood vampires, cuddly shifters, and anti-heroes. Are we pansies in the 21st century? I say give me blood, give me violence, and bring me death!” LOL… Beth said it better than I could. So is there a … Read more

Announcement – A Curse on the Mountain – Missouri Dalton

Missouri Dalton has a new MM fantasy out: In the cursed city of Var Eldore, perched on a mountaintop surrounded by a frigid swamp, the rain never stops. Former pleasure slave Myr lives in hiding, trying to stay a step ahead of his captor. But there’s more to Myr than he realizes, and destiny has other plans for him. Soon, he counts soldiers, spies, nobles, and wizards among his allies. Their goal is to oppose the king and those who perpetuate slavery, and fight for the freedom of their land. As they uncover secrets and conspiracies, each more tangled than … Read more