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FOR READERS: Does Accuracy Matter?

accuracy - deposit photos

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Scott: When reading speculative fiction, how much does accuracy (about science, historical facts, etc) matter to you, and does it vary by genre? Or do you not mind a little hand wavium? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Chat on FacebookChat on MeWe

FOR WRITERS: Historical Accuracy in Queer Fiction

history - pixabay

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Heather Rose Jones: When we write queer stories set in history, how do we deal with the historic reality of queer lives? Or, from another point of view, are queer historic novels held to a different standard of “historical accuracy” than straight ones with respect to the lives of their characters? Join the chat

SCIENCE: Using a Rare Element to Redefine Time

Time - Pixabay

A lot can happen in a second; you could meet a stranger, snap your fingers, fall in love, fall asleep, sneeze. But what is a second, really — and is it as precise as we think it is? Right now, the most-precise clocks used to tell global time have an error of about 1 second every 300 million years — so a clock that started ticking in the time of the dinosaurs wouldn’t be off by even a second today. But scientists think we can do better. So, they are looking to lutetium, a neglected rare-earth element that has been … Read more

For Writers: Historical Accuracy in LGBTIQA Fiction

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Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Heather Rose Jones: When we write queer stories set in history, how do we deal with the historic reality of queer lives? Or, from another point of view, are queer historic novels held to a different standard of “historical accuracy” than straight ones with respect to the lives of their characters? Join the chat