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Navy Declassifies UFO Videos

Navy UFOs

Last September, we reported on three videos of unusual objects encountered by Navy pilots that were released beginning in 2017 that were confirmed to be legitimate by the U.S. Navy. The Pentagon said at the time that “the three videos were never cleared for public release” and added they “were never officially released to the general public by the DoD and should still be withheld.” This week the Pentagon declassified the videos “in an effort ‘to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Peacemaker, by E.M. Hamill

Peacemaker - E.M. Hamill

E.M. Hamill has a new queer sci fi book out, book two in the Dalí Tamareia series: “Peacemaker.” Third-gender operative Dalí Tamareia thought their life as an ambassador ended when they joined a galactic intelligence agency. When they’re yanked out of the field and tapped to negotiate the surrender of deadly bio-engineered warriors who crashed into hostile territory, Dalí is thrust headfirst back into the tumultuous world of galactic diplomacy. Dalí has faced Shontavians before, but not like these. The stranded mercenaries are highly intelligent and have an agenda of their own. Dalí can’t afford to be distracted from the … Read more

Freeman Dyson is Gone, But the Dyson Sphere Lives On

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Freeman Dyson may be gone, but his famous alien-hunting idea will likely persist far into the future. Dyson, a quantum physicist who died at age 96 on Feb. 28, recalled in a 2003 interview just how he first advanced his concept of a “Dyson sphere,” which could betray the existence of an advanced alien civilization. It was via a 1960 article in the journal Science called “Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation.” Dyson wrote the article just as scientists were beginning to search for signs of alien intelligence using radio telescopes. The 1960 piece noted, Dyson said, that … Read more

Are There Invisible Aliens Among Us?

Life is pretty easy to recognize. It moves, it grows, it eats, it excretes, it reproduces. Simple. In biology, researchers often use the acronym “MRSGREN” to describe it. It stands for movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. But Helen Sharman, Britain’s first astronaut and a chemist at Imperial College London, recently said that alien lifeforms that are impossible to spot may be living among us. How could that be possible? While life may be easy to recognize, it’s actually notoriously difficult to define and has had scientists and philosophers in debate for centuries — if not millennia. For … Read more

FOR READERS & WRITERS: Beyond Human Genders

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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Jim Comer: What about genders or gender-free aliens that are based on a dynamic other than male-female? Ie: where the genders are based on the Four Elements, or the signs of the Zodiac, or the mammalian orders, or something different? Not human genders in the usual sense, or about Earth. Writers, share your works; readers, your fave reads. Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about … Read more

Why Aren’t We Finding Alien Life?

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If we discovered evidence of alien life, would we even realize it? Life on other planets could be so different from what we’re used to that we might not recognize any biological signatures that it produces. Recent years have seen changes to our theories about what counts as a biosignature and which planets might be habitable, and further turnarounds are inevitable. But the best we can really do is interpret the data we have with our current best theory, not with some future idea we haven’t had yet. This is a big issue for those involved in the search for … Read more

REVIEW: Alien Hands, by Storm Caywood

Alien Hands

Title: Alien Hands Author: Storm Caywood Genre: Sci Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Carnation Books Pages: 102 Reviewer: Starlight Get It On Amazon About The Book An interstellar romance awaits you in this scorching hot novella… Adil Raif is a relief-effort doctor on a space station orbiting a war-torn planet. Disconnected from life on Earth, he’s looking for sex, adventure, relief from boredom–anything but love. Esihle Queran is an alien refugee on the station who never tells the whole truth. He’s given up on ever returning to his planet, and knows that love is for other, better men. … Read more

UFO Seekers Head to Thailand

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A hilltop in central Thailand is attracting UFO seekers who believe extraterrestrials hover above a huge Buddha statue, send telepathic communiques, walk across nearby sugarcane fields and use a crocodile-infested lake as a portal from their planets — Pluto and Loku. Though it may sound like science fiction, a small group of individuals claims messages from aliens arriving in spaceships include plenty of traditional religious teachings too — leading them to believe they are actually Buddhist. It’s all happening three hours by road or rail north from Bangkok in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to “City of Heaven.” Without all … Read more

SPACE: Are Aliens Watching Us?

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Picture this: A hundred million years ago, an advanced civilization detects strange signatures of life on a blue-green planet not so far away from their home in the Milky Way. They try sending signals, but whatever’s marching around on that unknown world isn’t responding. So, the curious galactic explorers try something different. They send a robotic probe to a small, quiet space rock orbiting near the life-rich planet, just to keep an eye on things. If a story like this played out at any moment in Earth’s 4.5 billion-year history, it just might have left an archaeological record. At least, … Read more

SCIENCE: Are Aliens Flashing Laser Beams At Us?

Are aliens using super powerful flashlights to get our attention? Astronomers think there’s a chance they are. Since the invention of the radio, humans have been silently listening to the stars, wondering if we are alone in the universe. But if intelligent alien life does exist, the extraterrestrials could be using other forms of technology to communicate. Astronomers are beginning to not only listen to the cosmos but also gaze toward it for other signs of alien tech: laser beams. Breakthrough Listen, the most extensive Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program in history, announced that its team will begin looking … Read more