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ANNOUNCEMENT: Red Gods Sing, by Trevor Barton

Red Gods Sing

QSFer Trevor Barton has a new MM sci fi book out: “adorable [and] horrifying” – Geek Syndicate You’re a robot man living in 2060’s America. You’re off on a hot date. Forget fake news and flying saucers. What’s the one thing you should’ve packed? Josh could be forgiven for being a little forgetful. In his world, the problem isn’t with AI. It’s with humans. (Some of them, at least.) A threat is looming, and with it an ultimatum. Brobots like Josh can rise up. Or they can face extinction. Josh has decisions to make. But where will they leave a … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Rules and Regulations for Mediating Myths & Magic, by F.T. Lukens

The Rules and Regulations for Mediating Myths & Magic

QSFer F.T. Lukens has a new MM YA Fantasy tale out: Desperate to pay for college, Bridger Whitt is willing to overlook the peculiarities of his new job—entering via the roof, the weird stacks of old books and even older scrolls, the seemingly incorporeal voices he hears from time to time—but it’s pretty hard to ignore being pulled under Lake Michigan by… mermaids? Worse yet, this happens in front of his new crush, Leo, the dreamy football star who just moved to town. Fantastic. When he discovers his eccentric employer Pavel Chudinov is an intermediary between the human world and … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Jackalopes and Woofen-Poofs, by Angel Martinez

Jackalopes and Woofen-Poofs

QSFer Angel Martinez has a new MM comedy paranormal book out: Hoax animals and a consulting vampire on the prowl—Jason never thought having a cop boyfriend would be this hard. All Animal Control Officer Jason Shen ever wanted was a quiet life of rescuing lost kittens and helping animals in need. Having a paranormal cop boyfriend guarantees an end to the quiet part. What at first seems a random encounter with jackalopes in the park might be more than chance and when State Paranormal sends a handsome, charming vampire to consult with the Seventy-Seventh, he finds his relationship with Alex … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Horatio Slice: Guitar Slayer of the Universe, by Oleander Plume

Horatio SliceL Guitar Slayer of the Universe

Oleander Plume has a new MM erotic sci fi comedy book out: For adults only: ***Horatio Slice is NOT dead.*** Gunner Wilkes knows a secret. Heartthrob rock star Horatio Slice is not dead. Sure, Gunner may turn heads with his big brain, good looks, and gym-built body, but his mind is on one thing only: returning his all-time favorite rocker and secret fanboy crush to Earth. ***Yes, there are VAMPIRE PIRATES*** Fame and stardom were starting to wear thin for Horatio Slice, but when he was sucked through a magical portal while on stage at Madison Square Garden into a … Read more