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For Readers: Make the Movie

Sci fi, fantasy and paranormal are big moneymakers in theaters these days, but with rare exception they are very, very straight. So my question today: What LGBTIQA speculative fiction book do you want to see turned into a feature film? And who would star in it? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

For Readers: Lesbian Movie Cliches and Why They Hurt Fiction

Film Tropes

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Angel Martinez: You know the ones. The Self-sabotaging protagonist. The angry, humorless lesbian. The butch badass. The omg a lesbian relationship is so scandalous movies. The man who comes along and magically breaks up an established lesbian couple. What are the lesbian film tropes, and what would you like to see replace them? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

Discussion: Make the Movie!

Let’s face it – Hollywood makes a lot of crap. And most of it is straight crap. But what if they suddenly decided LGBT speculative fiction was worth a look? What LGBT sci fi, fantasy or paranormal book or series do you want to see turned into a feature film? And who would star in it?

To Be Takei

A gay sci fi icon is profiled in a new documentary: The third feature-length project from filmmaker Jennifer M. Kroot, whose previous endeavors include the 2003 sci-fi/fantasy Sirens of the 23rd Century and the 2009 biographical doc It Came from Kuchar, details the professional achievements, political activism, and personal life of Takei, who proves to be as accomplished as he is downright likable. The weight with which Kroot approaches the three principal aspects of Kroot’s life tends to vary, leaning in favor of his work for gay rights, but we find ourselves duly engrossed in his personal and professional stories … Read more