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Discussion: What Are Ghosts?

Gay Ghost

Today’s topic comes from QSFer MD Grimm: What are ghosts? Are they echoes that repeat, residual hauntings? Or are they, essentially, lost souls trapped for emotional reasons? We talk a lot about vampires, shifters, and even zombies, but ghosts don’t get nearly as much play. And yet they are, except for their form, arguably more human than any of those other paranormal creatures, lending themselves well to character storylines. So what are ghosts? How can we use them in our stories? And what are some of the LGBt stories that have done them well?

Announcement: I’ll Still Be There, by Keelan Ellis

I'll Still Be There

QSFer Keelan Ellis has a new paranormal book out: I’ll Still Be There tells the stories of two couples and their journeys towards love and acceptance. Jess and Eli, close friends since childhood, must overcome their own insecurities, as well as the fear of rejection and disappointment of those closest to them. The struggle faced by Clay and Silas is much more dangerous. They meet in Newark, New Jersey in the 1950s. A former hustler himself, Clay is running a small network of boys out of a friend’s bar when he meets Silas, a beautiful nineteen year old man who … Read more

Announcement: Terrance, by DJ Manly

Today’s announcement comes from MLR Press and DJ Manly: Terrance is happy with Alex, and for the first time, the voices in his head seem low and far away. Then they begin again, horrifying images fill his mind, as a small boy calls to him. No matter what, Terrance needs to follow that voice. But can he trust it? Is it really the voice of a small boy in trouble, or the voices from hell itself? Terrance’s communication with the dead leads him to some surprising discoveries. Excerpt “You look like hell,” Wes announced as Alex picked at the napkin … Read more