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REVIEW: Nexus Nine, by Mary E. Lowd

Nexus Nine

Title: Nexus Nine Author: Mary E. Lowd Genre: GENRE LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gender Fluid Publisher: Fur Planet Pages: 198 Reviewer: J. Scott Coatsworth Get It On Amazon About The Book Deep space, nine lives… Or maybe nine-hundred? When a calico cat with a computer chip in her head — full of lifetimes worth of memories — sets out to uncover the mysteries of her distant past, she finds herself on a space station in a recently war-torn star system. Will her best friend from one of her previous lives as a dog still accept her? Can she make new friends … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Nexus Nine, by Mary E. Lowd

Nexus Nine

QSFer Mary E. Lowd has a new pansexual/genderfluid queer sci fi book out: Nexus Nine. Deep space, nine lives… Or maybe nine-hundred? When a calico cat with a computer chip in her head — full of lifetimes worth of memories — sets out to uncover the mysteries of her distant past, she finds herself on a space station in a recently war-torn star system.  Will her best friend from one of her previous lives as a dog still accept her?  Can she make new friends with the local bird-like aliens, and how does her own past entangle with the history … Read more