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FOR WRITERS: Are You Traditionally Published, Self Pub, or a Hybrid?

Butterfox hybrid - Pixabay

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Are you self published, traditionally published, or a blend of the two? What do you like or hate about each? Any tips? Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Belief Systems and Magic

magic - pixabay

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Any belief system can be used for magical purposes, right? Have you written any fantasy stories where magic and faith are part of the same coin? Tell us about them. Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

READERS & WRITERS: Breaking the Fourth Wall

breaking the fourth wall pixabay

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: In the theater and film, there’s a thing called “breaking the fourth wall – basically steping through the invisible barrier between the performance and the audience to engage them directly. You’ve seen this in Deadpool, when he talks to the crowd in the theater. Authors: have you ever used this device in your fiction? Readers: where have you read it, and did you like it? Join the chat here: Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Lesbians Write Everything!

lesbian - deposit photos

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: I was talking to a lesbian writer friend who specializes in gay romance, and we discussed the misperception that most lesbian writers only write lesbian romance. We thought it would be fun to feature lesbian writers who write, well, just about anything. So if you are a lesbian writer, tell us about yourself, and what you write (even if it IS lesbian romance)! Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Hidden Places

hidden worlds

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Alicia Nordwell: A lot of ancient cultures came up with stories to explain natural phenomena with mythical reasonings. Science had explanations for many unknowns from the past, but what about the places in the world we still dare not go? Deep inside volcanoes, the Marianas Trench, the center of the world? Many authors of the past have written fantastical stories creating whole new worlds inside the one we think we know… but what do you think is hiding in the mysterious beyonds? What have you written about this? Writers: This is a … Read more


FOR READERS/WRITERS Today’s topic comes from QSFer Ben Brock: Some sci fi writers explain the similarities of humans to other alien races as “seeding”, as in an ancient race went through the universe and “seeded” the worlds with human-like DNA. Writers, have you ever used this idea in your work? Readers, what are your favorite stories that use this idea? Writers: This is a reader/writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Writing The Perfect First Scene

Writing the First Scene

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: How do you start a new story? Do you labor over the first scene? Or does it just come to you? Or maybe you circle back later to tweak it? Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: The Best Professional Organizations?

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: In your (always humble) opinion, what are the best professional organizations for spec fic writers, queer or otherwise? Points if QSF was the first thing that came to mind. ;) Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat