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ANNOUNCEMENT: Incompletely Human – Sean S. Bell

Incompletely Human - Sean S. Bell

QSFer Sean S. Bell has a new queer superhero tale out: Incompletely Human.

Seventeen-year-old Oliver Thibodeaux (TIB-ə-doh) has been in foster care since birth. As a normalishBlack queer teen in search of a safe home, Oliver’s telekinetic and telepathic abilities move him from place to place.

For years he has been taught to suppress his vast abilities for the safety of himself and others. But everything changes when he meets Roman Peterson: the kindest and strongest guy he has ever met.

For once, Oliver feels a sense of belonging. Through father issues, love, and all things super-powered, Oliver has to dig deep to find out what he’s capable of, and what he’s willing to sacrifice to be normal.

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Author Bio

Sean Stefon Bell, he/him/they, is an artist and mental health professional in the East Bay. He is currently teaching and earning his PhD in Human Sexuality. He enjoys hiking, good food, good company, and representation.

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