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FOR WRITERS: Writing A Different Gender


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Tracy Timmons-Gray: What are your recommendations on how to write a character whose sexual or gender identity is different from your own? For instance, there’s isn’t one kind of asexual or gender queer person; authentic representation is often very nuanced. What things do you recommend to try to capture those nuances when writing a character? What do you try to avoid? Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Effective vs. Ineffective Social Media Marketing

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ruff Bear: Some people post daily in book promotion and reader groups. Others only post to promote when something is happening (new book, cover reveal, sale, etc.). Many groups allow unlimited or one-a-day posting, while QSF and a few others have a day of the week set aside for promotions. Is posting to FB groups worthwhile? How do you get noticed when so many others are doing the same thing? How do posts to groups measure up compared to posts to your personal or author’s pages? To other social media channels (Twitter, … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Through the Looking Glass

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Fletcher Delancey: We all know that readers bring their own experiences and expectations to our work. Do you find that some readers apparently read a completely different book than the one you wrote? How do you come to terms with that, particularly if their review is based on this “looking glass” version? Join the chat

FOR AUTHORS: Newsletter Content

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Charli Coti: What kind of content interests you in author newsletters? Do you only stick with authors who run giveaways in every edition, or are you in it for the news/teasers and could care less about free stuff? This is a legacy chat. Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Brainstorming

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Robin Harper: Brainstorming. That magical time of creation where you let your imagination go and dream up the impossible! There are many techniques, and a thousand pieces of advice on how to do it, and how not do to it! What works best for you? Any methods that completely failed? How do you take the hard drive of your brain and squeeze out it’s riches onto paper to start forming ideas? Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Things That Act Like People

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Tam Ames: What about anthropomorphic … things? There was a cute book that I have yet to read with a book who was anthropomorphic and other creatures. Think The Little Toaster for grown-ups. Anyone done it? Read it? Hate it? Love it? Too… out there? In the original chat, Tam had specified “no shifters.” But I like the idea of exploring non-animate shifters here too. :P This is a legacy chat. Join the chat

FOR WRITERS: Blurbs & Summaries, Oh I Hate You So


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Hank Cannon: What goes into a good blurb? Are there different types of blurbs? What kind should be used for promotion? What kind should be used for submissions? How do you write a good one, and do you ever workshop them? This is a legacy chat. Join the chat