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Green Lantern Comic Uses the Term TERF

Green Lantern

A comic book from DC Comics that is publishing today will feature the term “TERF” – short for “Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” or someone who uses the language of feminism to attack transgender people – for the first time ever.

The Green Lantern Season 2 #12 issue, the final in the series written by non-binary author Grant Morrison and illustrated by Liam Sharp, includes the words among other terms used as insults being said between a large, divided crowd. “Queer,” “fat,” “Nazi,” and “tool” are also used as pejoratives.

Based on previews, the terms were use to illustrate the divisions between people during mass clashes shown in the comic. It’s reported as the first use of the term in DC Comics history by Bleeding Cool, which asserts that it is a slur to some.

Whether its use will continue in the DC Comics Multiverses remains to be seen. The series is not anticipated to continue, and this is likely the last issue of this Green Lantern run. It’s described as the “grand finale two years in the making.”

Full Story From LGBTQ Nation

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