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NEW RELEASE: Superheroes Take Over the World – Wendy Rathbone

Superheroes Take Over the World - Wendy Rathbone

QSFer Wendy Rathbone has a new superhero poetry out: Superheroes Take Over the World.

Poems about superheroes by award-winning poet Wendy Rathbone. Some are familiar, some made up. These are their innermost thoughts, their ecstasies and despairs, their hatreds and loves. Some want vengeance. Some want to be worshiped. Some want to retire to a nice safe bed.

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Author Bio

Hi, I’m Wendy and I’m a voracious reader as well as an author.

Currently, I write all male/male romances and am lately focused on omegaverse. For many years mm has been my first love.

The stories of my characters rattle around in my brain until I have to write them down or lose sleep!

All my books are available in Kindle Unlimited. Happy reading!

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