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Review: Sanctuary – Andi C. Buchanan

Sanctuary - Andi C. Buchanan

Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary

LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Trans MTF

Reviewer: SI

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About The Book

Morgan’s home is a sanctuary for ghosts.

The once-grand, now dilapidated old house they live in has become a refuge for their found family—Morgan’s partner Araminta, an artist with excellent dress sense; Theo, a ten-year-old with an excess of energy; quiet telekinesthetic pensioner Denny—as well as the ghosts who live alongside them. All people who once needed sanctuary for their queer, neurodivergent selves.

Now they offer that safety to the dead as well as the living.

When a collection of ghosts trapped in old bottles are delivered to their door, something from the past is unleashed. A man who once collected ghosts – a man who should have died centuries before – suddenly has the house under his control. Morgan must trust their own abilities, and their hard-won sense of self, to save their home, their family, and the woman they love.

The Review

Morgan lives in an intentional community of neurodivergent and mostly queer people in a rambling old mansion. Oh, and ghosts. Lots of ghosts. But when something starts scaring the ghosts, Morgan and the gang realise they have to help them.

This offbeat (sub)urban fantasy novel is affirming and supportive and just plain adorable.

I’ll be honest, I really want to live with Morgan and their housemates. I absolutely love the writing. I love the inclusiveness. I love the found family and sense of community.

What I didn’t love was the editing – and I don’t just mean typos, though there were typos. What I found distracting were the continuity errors and the sagging middle. With a more thorough edit, this could be a really amazing novel. In many ways, it still is … just not quite as good as it could have been.

The Reviewer

SI CLARKE is a misanthrope who lives in Deptford, sarf ees London. She shares her home with her partner and an assortment of waifs and strays. As someone who’s neurodivergent, an immigrant, and the proud owner of an invisible disability, she strives to present a diverse array of characters in her stories. And she loves reading about diverse characters too.   

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