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Refill the Topics Bucket

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Time to refill the topics bucket. Please comment with suggested queer spec fic topics – sci fi, fantasy, horror and paranormal from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Indicate if each is for writers, readers, or both, and then the topic. One topic per comment, please. :) FB:

Refill the Topics Bucket

rainbow bucket - stock unlimited

Time to refill the topics bucket. Please comment with suggested queer spec fic topics – sci fi, fantasy, horror and paranormal from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Indicate if each is for writers, readers, or both, and then the topic. One topic per comment, please. :) FB:

Refill the Topics Bucket

rainbow bucket - stock unlimited

Time to refill the topics bucket. Please comment with suggested queer spec fic topics – sci fi, fantasy, horror and paranormal from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Indicate if each is for writers, readers, or both, and then the topic. One topic per comment, please. :) FB:

Refill the Topics Bucket

topics bucket 2

It’s that time again. We need to refill the topics bucket. Please list your topics like this: FOR WRITERS: This is my topic idea FOR READERS: This is my topic idea FOR BOTH: This is my topic idea Topics that have been done to death: —What inspires your writing —What’s on your TBR list? What we’d love to see: —More topics about horror, paranormal and fantasy (tho of course sci fi is great too) —More topics about letters in the queer alphabet beyond the G/MM, tho we still want those too —More silly and interesting topics Please post them in … Read more

Refill the Topics Bucket

topics bucket 2

It’s that time once again. Please comment below like this: READERS: Topic description or WRITERS: Topic description or BOTH: Topic description We’re especially looking for topics that cover the whole LGBTIQA spectrum, and that move beyond sci fi (tho sci fi is certainly welcome), including fantasy, paranormal, and horror. Go!    

Refill the Topics Bucket

topics bucket 2

It’s that time again. I went to get a topic for today off my infamous spreadsheet of death ™ and… gasp… it was empty. No new topics. Nothing. Nada. So I need your help. What do y’all wanna talk about? Want to discuss the latest trends in werewolfery? Hot to discuss your favorite new reads? Have a writing question – like why do some publishers want 12 pt. Times new Roman and others 16 pt ComicSans? Or are you dying to ask why, for the love of God, does your favorite author you love not come out with a sequel? … Read more

Refill the Topics Bucket

topics bucket 2

Hey all… It’s that time again. :) Our topics bucket has run dry, so let us know what you wanna talk about at: Please note FOR WRITERS:, FOR READERS:, or FOR BOTH:, and a short paragraph about your proposed topic. Please put one topic per comment to make it easier for us to harvest them. :) This can be about particular genres, or character development, or TV shows and films, or representation, or just about anything else in the speculative fiction universe. Go!

Time to Refill the Topics Bucket

rainbow bucket

Hey all, Once again, the well has gone dry. So it’s time to pipe in and tell us what you want to discuss over the next few months. Please type your ideas in the comments below, and indicate if they are for writers, readers, or both: WRITERS: What do you do when you get stuck on a WIP? READERS: Which of the Harry Potter characters did you most want to be queer and why? BOTH: Where is queer romance going in the next five years? Ten? Twenty? Thanks all! –Scott