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For Representation Dial Yukon 2-8209 – Boogieman In Lavender

This month, two examples of LGBT representation in forgotten places. And I must be intentionally vague about the first one. Fritz Leiber’s short-story “The Two Best Thieves In Lankhmar” (published in 1968) features his classic fantasy swordsmen Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser who are again their own worst enemies as well as best friends. They have acquired a stash of jewels they are trying to sell but things (of course) go awry. Set in Leiber’s fantasy world of Lankhmar the story does feature some LGBT characters but if I revealed more it would give away the story’s surprises, and the … Read more

Afternoon @ Sac Pride; Or, When J. Scott Met J. Scott And J. Scott – Boogieman In Lavender.

L to R: Mark Marco Guzman, Jeff Baker, J. Scott Coatsworth Afternoon at Sac Pride; or When J. Scott Met J. Scott and J. Scott by J. Scott Ba…I mean, Jeff Baker He also met David Gerrold once, but has not met J. Scott Coatsworth yet. —-from Author Bio for “Random Notes,” QSF Column by Jeff Baker, March 12, 2020 I went out (drove, actually!) to San Francisco, California in June and one of the reasons I took the car was to do a few things I had wanted to do for a while. Check out a few places in … Read more

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Jeff Baker, Boogieman In Lavender

The Only Thing We Have To Fear… by Jeff Baker NOTE: I usually post this around the 13th of the month, but I may be away from the keyboard for a couple of weeks. So I’m posting this way early! —-jeff “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…” — Franklin D. Roosevelt “High Ang—Ziety!” —– Mel Brooks I think I have anxiety issues. This has taken me decades to realize. I’ve always been apprehensive about doing things. Always. I’ve joked for years that I was afraid of pretty much everything, which to some degree may be true. … Read more

Nite Owl – Boogieman In Lavender

I keep some odd hours. Part of this comes from the delivery jobs I had for about twenty-five years. There were some days I had to get up at four in the morning to get to the warehouse and start my run. The advantage was that some days I would be getting off work in the early afternoon when a lot of the nine-to-five workers would still be on the job. Of course, the disadvantage was that I would have to go to bed around nine at night to get enough sleep. During those delivery days I kept a spiral-bound … Read more

Jeff Baker, Boogieman In Lavender. Broken Metropolis. On Beyond Cisgender VIII

QSF Broken Metropolis; On Beyond Cisgender VII by Jeff Baker AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the latest installment of this column’s occasional feature “On Beyond Cisgender,” recommending books written by or that feature people beyond the “Old Dead White Cis Hetero Male Literature Canon.” It was suggested by A. M. (Amy) Leibowitz who was lamenting the choices of books for High School reading. I’ve been doing this feature since October of 2018 and it is even more important in an era of censorship and book banning. So, here’s the latest installment.—-jeff Queer-themed anthologies of science fiction and fantasy, while not dominating … Read more