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TECH: Order Your Flying Car Now!

Flying Car

The world’s first flying car will be available to pre-order next month. A Chinese company called Terrafugia is preparing to unleash a vehicle called the Transition which can turn from an automobile into an aircraft in just a minute. The most striking aspect of the Transition is its folding wings, which extend to allow flight and can be retracted when driving on roads. It is fitted with a parachute system as well as a ‘boost’ mode to give a ‘brief burst of extra power while flying’. The Chinese news agency Xinhua said pre-sales will begin in October. Terrafugia previously said … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Moonrise, by Hannah L. Corrie

Moonrise - Hannah L. Corrie

QSFer Hannah L. Corrie has a new MM sci fi book out: Moonrise. Fed up with this world? Thought about moving to Mars? Not enough distance? Well, then! What if you had the chance to become something completely different? To change what you are and leave the world you know, the solar system you know, behind? Would you take the plunge? Yago Solas never got to ponder and much less answer those questions, but he faces the consequences when an escaped alien creature infects him with a mutating virus that takes everything from him, even his humanity. The experiments intended … Read more

The Victorian Netflix – Live Science

Magic Lanterns

Netflix didn’t exist during the Victorian era, of course, but people living during the 1800s and early 1900s had another way to binge-watch: the “magic lantern.” According to new research, these early projectors were much more common and accessible than previously thought. Magic lanterns — basically an early form of the slide projector — could show 3D and even moving images (much like today’s GIFs) to entertain a captive audience. But given the lanterns’ high price tag, modern historians long suspected that few but the wealthy could afford these projectors. But new research finds that middle-class families regularly rented these … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY – grydscaen: beginnings, by Natsuya Uesugi

grydscaen: beginnings

Natsuya Uesugi has a new queer sci fi book out: Faid Callen is tired of life on the run in the Echelons trying to keep his psychic power in check. He founds the Packrats, a group of cyberterrorist hackers. A young powerful Psi Faction operative, Lino Dejarre, is sent on a mission to capture Faid. Wanting to keep Lino under control, the Psi Faction kidnaps his half-brother, Riuho, and they take him prisoner, experiment on him, train him, and subject him to mind control. When Lino is assigned to a high stakes diplomatic mission to reveal a traitor, he finds … Read more

FOR READERS: Authors Are Nice

author friendly - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Tam Ames: If you’ve had any close encounters with authors, tell us of one “author behaving beautifully” to you or to fans that you observed. Name and fame here. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FILM: Captain Marvel is Marvel’s First Female Solo Superhero Film


Marvel Studios is releasing their first female solo superhero film next year — Captain Marvel — and they dropped the first trailer today. Naturally, people can’t get enough of it. Reactions to the trailer are very specific, from how feminist it is, to its inspiring message, and how Brie Larson in the lead role is making everyone super gay. By AUTHOR – Full Story at SOURCE

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Siege Weapons, by Harry F. Rey

Siege Weapons

Harry F. Rey has a new MM sci fi book out: Siege Weapons. Captain Ales is a lonely smuggler at the galaxy’s Outer Verge, and the last of his people. He’s been trying to move on from a life of drugs and meaningless sex, but finding love in this forgotten corner of the galaxy is difficult. When he’s sent on a mysterious smuggling mission to a world under siege, he’s enticed by promises of the domination he craves. But soon Ales finds himself entwined in a galactic power struggle that could cost him everything. NineStar Press, LLC| Amazon| Smashwords| Barnes … Read more

FOR READERS: Your Identity, Reflected

woman in mirror - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer BA Brock: Sometimes it’s easier for me to read trans stories, when the worlds are fantasy. I’ve read several fantasy stories recently, where the characters have struck me as trans, but in the context of the book, there were no trans people. I love this ability of fantasy, to explore heavy current social issues, in a setting other than our reality. It allows me to let go of the minutia (did the author get it exactly right?), and at the same time still experience the pain and joy of my identity. I’d … Read more